Company Secretary

In this episode Swati Salunkhe talks about the field company secretary. Company secretary deals with the legal aspects. Company secretary is the one who deals with all the legal activities of any business. The role of a company secretary is to keep the records, advice, tax returns and evaluate the legal aspects of the organization. EVERY COMPANY REQUIRES COMPANY SECRETARY WHO CAN HELP IN STATUTORY AND LEGAL FILING REQUIREMENTS. CONTRARY TO THE NAME, IT IS NOT A MERE SECRETARIAL POSITION; THERE ARE VARIOUS RESPONSIBILITIES WHICH A CS HAS TO FOLLOW. HE/SHE IS THE LEGAL EXPERT OF THE COMPANY AND HAS TO FULFILL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO BE A COMPLIANCE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY. IN SHORT HE IS THE PERSONNEL ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHO HAS TO HANDLE THE LEGAL AND THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS. In India, the Institute which regulates the profession of a Company Secretary is “THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA (ICSI)” One must first register with the institute which is (ICSI). 

CS is a professional course done along with or after graduation. The CS course is divided into three levels - the foundation course which is of 8 months, intermediate or executive course for 9 months and 15 MONTHS PROFESSIONAL COURSE. THE MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIRED FOR THE FOUNDATION COURSE IS 10+2 IN ANY STEAM (EXCEPT FINE ARTS). A general interest in economics, business and finance is must. The work involves multi-tasking a lot on a daily basis, hence you must be disciplined, organized, and efficient in time management. AREAS OF WORK ARE Law firms, PCS firms, listed companies, Private companies, non banking financial institutions and many more. The employment opportunities for company secretary are ample in both private and public sector. You may even go for independent practice. If you think you have curiosity and an eagerness to understand, analyse and interpret complex and technical legal issues you can surely go for this career.

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