Medicine as a career option
In this episode, Mugdha Sheteye talks about the most respectful field Medicine. If one likes to help others, understand others pain, like sciences and taking challenges and under how body works and are fascinated by how medicines are used to improve life; then one can consider medicine as a career. Medical science is the study where one learns to diagnose, treat and prevent any disease. We are familiar with treatment patterns like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, and Siddha. Dentistry and Veteinary sciences are also the part of medical sciences. To enter the medicine field one needs to be from the science background and should have compulsorily studied Physics Chemistry and Biology subjects in 11th and 12th. One needs to clear relevant entrance exams which are conducted at all India level. Medical courses take minimum five and a half years to complete graduation and three years for masters. Therefore one must be mentally and physically ready to face the challenges and put...