
Showing posts from May, 2018

Medicine as a career option

In this episode, Mugdha Sheteye talks about the most respectful field Medicine. If one likes to help others, understand others pain, like sciences and taking challenges and under how body works and are fascinated by how medicines are used to improve life; then one can consider medicine as a career. Medical science is the study where one learns to diagnose, treat and prevent any disease. We are familiar with treatment patterns like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, and Siddha. Dentistry and Veteinary sciences are also the part of medical sciences. To enter the medicine field one needs to be from the science background and should have compulsorily studied Physics Chemistry and Biology subjects in 11th and 12th. One needs to clear relevant entrance exams which are conducted at all India level. Medical courses take minimum five and a half years to complete graduation and three years for masters. Therefore one must be mentally and physically ready to face the challenges and put...

Scored less in Entrance exams?

Board Exams are over and results are soon going to be out. But the common thing that comes to every one’s mind is what will be the scores in entrance exams and what if the scores are less. In this episode Suchitra Surve answers some of the FAQs if one has scored less mark in entrance exams. Low scores can have two meanings one that students have not scored minimum marks in the entrance exam and another would not scoring enough to seek admission in the desired institutes. Low scores in entrance exam do not indicate lack of potentials. Students should choose recognized college by the right recognizing body and authority. Another dilemma is whether to drop a year and re appear for the entrance exam. It depends on case to case as it depends on ones priority, desire and passion to be in that field. One also needs to be practical and figure out what one is going to give up. Secondly before reappearing one need to take objectively view one self and understand why you were not able to sco...

Company Secretary

In this episode Swati Salunkhe talks about the field company secretary. Company secretary deals with the legal aspects. Company secretary is the one who deals with all the legal activities of any business. The role of a company secretary is to keep the records, advice, tax returns and evaluate the legal aspects of the organization. EVERY COMPANY REQUIRES COMPANY SECRETARY WHO CAN HELP IN STATUTORY AND LEGAL FILING REQUIREMENTS. CONTRARY TO THE NAME, IT IS NOT A MERE SECRETARIAL POSITION; THERE ARE VARIOUS RESPONSIBILITIES WHICH A CS HAS TO FOLLOW. HE/SHE IS THE LEGAL EXPERT OF THE COMPANY AND HAS TO FULFILL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO BE A COMPLIANCE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY. IN SHORT HE IS THE PERSONNEL ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHO HAS TO HANDLE THE LEGAL AND THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS. In India, the Institute which regulates the profession of a Company Secretary is “THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA (ICSI)” One must first register with the institute wh...

Dealing with Rejection from foreign Universities

Ms. Kunjal Sakhrani speaks about how to deal with rejection from University abroad. Receiving an offer is of course, joyous. But what if you get a letter of regret instead? It can be upsetting and disappointing, but not the end of the world. Here are some tips to help you get through this stressful period: Always keep your options open: Don’t apply to just one university or to only high ranked universities. Admissions committee do not control your future: Only you can do that! Yes, you may not get admitted to your favorite university, but everything does NOT end there. React in whichever way you feel is right: Talk to someone. Give yourself some time, deal with it and move on!!: Many universities provide an explanation for rejection. It is not necessary that you were rejected because of low grades/scores. It could be as simple as not mentioning important details or not attaching a vital document. Knowing the reason will help in improving your future applications. Some universities may...