Career in Social Work
Ms. Nidhi Mishra talks about the field of Social Work. A lot of people visualize of a person wearing simple cotton clothes and fighting for the rights of people or it is the work done by rich people in their spare time. Though, some what it is the truth but not the entire truth. Social work is an academic discipline of social sciences where the main focus is to improve the social structure of the society. Social work is a profession that serves individuals, families, and communities who seek prevention and rehabilitation intervention for an improved quality of life. Social workers work with or on behalf of or interest of people to enable them to deal with the personal and social difficulties and obtain essential resources and services. Social workers work in varied fields such as disability, drug abuse, poverty, mental ill health, geriatric issues, environmental issues, child abuse, physical abuse, child labour, martial issues, sanitation and many more. These issues are rising con...