Career in Mechatronics
Swati Salunkhe talks about a different, new and challenging branch of engineering Mechatronics. From Computer hard drives to washing machines to medical devices to coffee machines, it is all round us. Mechatronics is a design process that includes a combination of mechanical, electrical, telecommunication, and computer engineering. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. It is one of the most dynamic developing fields of technology and science. Examples of Mechatronics systems are robots, digitally controlled combustion engines, machine tools with self adaptive tools, contact free magnetic bearings and automated guided vehicles. The striking example of Mechatronics is the development of the Mars rover used by NASA to take samples and photographs of the Martian surface. To enter the field one need to be from Science stream in class 10th and 12th with Physics, chemistry, Maths and biology subjects. Very few universities offer Bachelor’s course in Mechatronics. B...