Cost and Management Accountancy
Swati Salunkhe talks about the field of Cost and Management Accountancy. Cost accounting is a type of management accounting. It is a specialized area of expertise concerned with analyzing the costs of products manufactured or sold by a company. In order for a corporation to be profitable, it’s critical to understand the precise costs associated with a product and use that information to set appropriate prices. Cost accountants do just that and are therefore vital to overall financial decision-making. To get into this field one needs to be a class 12th student be it from any stream. After class 12th one needs to clear foundation, intermediate and final levels. But it also goes with its grilling process that is one need to also gain 3 years practical application too. It is a professional course so the professional body which was formally known as ICWAI (Institute of Cost and Work Accountants of India or ICMAI (Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India). Students who have ...