MBA in India know the basics
In this episode, Ms. Suchitra Surve gives us insight about one of the most popular options – MBA. MBA course which is popularly available is of two years duration and we can apply for the course after Graduation. Most of the Universities offer Masters in Management, so the degrees could be MBA or Masters in Management. We have five major specializations namely marketing, Human Resources (HR) Finance, Systems, and Operations. There are also few new trends coming where we have specializations like MBA in Biotechnology, Pharma Management, Retail Management and Advertising. In India, the program is designed where one year you have general subjects and get specialization in the second year. Give yourself some time and be objective about oneself than choose the specialization. Management course is designed to train the future managers, therefore, the course would be demanding and challenging. One needs to develop on various skills sets like Creative, Thinking, Decision Making and Innovative...